Top games we’ve already released.
These are some of the best games we’ve launched so far, now available for everyone to enjoy. Packed with exciting features and immersive gameplay, they showcase our commitment to delivering entertainment to players worldwide.
The Imortal
This is running game in 2D Platform, enemies will appear on the way, kill them all if you want to reach the end of the land.
The Watcher
Our heroes catch wind of a mysterious land teeming with monsters, compelling them to uncover the truth behind its turmoil.
Sai Pikachu
Bringing back the legendary monument of the 80s and 90s generation – an unforgettable and irresistibly addictive game!
Game Dev Courses
Unlock Your Creativity and Build Amazing Games
Are you passionate about creating games? Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, Game Dev Courses provide you with the skills and knowledge to bring your game ideas to life.
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The Unity courses
Dive into the world of game development with Sai Game Courses! Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned developer, these courses will empower you with the skills to create captivating games using the powerful Unity engine.
Unity Dev Basic
This course is designed for beginners who want to learn the fundamentals of creating games using the powerful Unity engine.
Unity Dev Advance
This course is designed for developers who want to deepen their expertise in using Unity to create complex and immersive games.
Youni – Sai Game
Learn live every week with Youtuber SaiGame. Top influencer in Unity programming training in Vietnam.
Core Members

Simon Sai
Founder, a hard-core gamer
and an AAA dreamer

Co-founder, a talented person
and a dream seeker