Steam PC
The Immortal
This is running game in 2D Platform, enemies will appear on the way, kill them all if you want to reach the end of the land. You have to focus on the game 100%, just one hit of enemy everything will back to the beginning.
2d side-scroller
A side-scrolling video game is a video game viewed from a side-view camera angle where the screen follows the player as they move left or right.
Pixel Art
Pixel art is a form of digital art drawn with graphical software where images are built using pixels as the only building block.
Auto Run: Our Hero will keep running until he reaches the end of land.

Charge Attack: He can attack enemies on the way by charge energy and release it.
Attack with Mouse, Space or Ctrl

Unlock Skin: Keep killing enemy will help you to unlock new skins and lands
There are 10 skins in total.

Development Team

Simon Sai
Unity Coder